KPU bans ex-corruption convicts from running in legislative election


Oleh Eko Budiono, Selasa, 24 Juli 2018 | 15:10 WIB - Redaktur: Penni Patmawati Rusman - 1K

Jakarta, InfoPublik - The Indonesian General Election Commission (KPU) has barred five prospective legislative candidates of the Indonesian House of Representatives from taking part in the 2019 legislative election.

KPU head Arief Budiman said KPU has the authority to ban any prospective legislative candidates, who do not meet the requirement of KPU Regulation (PKPU). "There are five candidates that do not meet the requirements because they are recorded as ex-corruption convicts.," said Arief in his office, Monday (7/23).

Arief asserted that KPU had returned the registrations documents to the respective political parties and demanded them to replace the candidates. However, Arief was not willing to reveal the five names of the candidates that had been rejected.

KPU Regulation No. 20 of 2018 on The Nomination of Members of the House of Representatives and the Regional Representatives Council prohibits the nomination of convicted individuals of drug dealing, sexual crimes against children, and corruption in the 2019 election. (Translator: Erik Limantara)