Research, Technology and Higher Education Minister Bans Violence against New Students


Oleh Astra Desita, Rabu, 1 Februari 2017 | 12:49 WIB - Redaktur: Penni Patmawati Rusman - 2K

Jakarta, InfoPublik - Research, Technology and Higher Education Minister Mohammad Nasir urged all rectors throughout Indonesia to ban physical violence in academic year 2017 new admissions.

"I urge all rectors of state and private universities to ensure there  will be no violence on campus in the new admission this august," Minister Mohammad Nasir told reporters after opening the National Working Meeting of  Research, Technology, and Higher Education Ministry 2017 at Graha Sabha Pramana Building, Gadjah Mada University, Yogyakarta, on Monday (30/1).

He affirmed that violence on campus during the new admissions must be banned. If that happens, the perpetrator will be the first to be penalized, followed by the institution associated. "We must ban violence on campus. If violence happens, we will first give a sanction to the perpetrator, followed with the associated institutions," he said.

According to Nasir, students who commit violence will be arrested. "Violence does not have place in our education. We must leave the past behind. No more violence in public and private universities," he concluded. (Translator: Siti Chodijah)