Oleh Wilda Stiana, Jumat, 18 Desember 2020 | 15:55 WIB - Redaktur: Wilda Stiana - 2K
Jakarta, InfoPublik - The government will switch analog television broadcasts to digital broadcasts (Analog Switch-Off/ASO) in 2022. It is per the mandate of the Job Creation Law.
The government and DPR have also passed the Job Creation Bill into law at the Plenary Session, Monday (10/5). Article 60 A, paragraph 2 of the Job Creation Law, mandates that the government must complete the migration of analog to digital television no later than two years after the law comes into force.
This law breaks a decade of deadlock in broadcasting regulations.
Member of Commission I DPR-RI Dave Laksono hopes that this law can be a tremendous breakthrough in the digitization era, in which Indonesia has entered industry 4.0. "We hope that this law will work as a breakthrough," he said in the Media Discussion Forum Merdeka Barat 9 with the headline "Migration of Digital Broadcasting, Towards the Information Society", Thursday (12/17).
According to him, Indonesia is quite late compared to other ASEAN countries such as Singapore, the Philippines, Thailand, and Malaysia, which have stopped analog broadcasting (analog switch off).
He said that although the government system in each country is different, he hopes that this will not become an obstacle in technological development, including broadcasting migration from analog technology to digital technology in Indonesia.
The spirit of this broadcasting bill was to coincide with the digitization era in the Industrial Era 4.0. "Adaptation of technology is not enough. It needs a lot of adjustments in that era, be it infrastructure or content," he said.
According to him, the digitization issue is a complicated part of the deliberation of the broadcasting bill. Job Creation Law is also a middle way of struggling to digitize broadcasting.
"DPR is still discussing the broadcasting bill even though the digitization part has passed due to the Job Creation Law," he explained.
He also asked the media industry to have one voice so that the broadcasting bill discussions will have progress.
Also, he hopes that the media industry can be more creative and adaptive to keep up with digitalization. He also hopes for the acceleration of digitalization infrastructure.
The Ministry of Communication and Information Technology stated the government carries out analog switch-off (ASO) within the next two years. It is following the Job Creation Law, which has been signed by President Joko Widodo.
The analog to digital migration policy raises high hopes to encourage the emergence of diversity, eliminating monopolies or media conglomerations. Simultaneous change has an impact on the emergence of content diversity and improves the quality of its content.
Translator: Wilda Stiana