House, Govt Aim To Ratify PDP Draft Law By the End of Year


Oleh Filmon Warouw, Kamis, 17 September 2020 | 15:23 WIB - Redaktur: Filmon Warouw - 738

Jakarta, InfoPublik - The Communications and Informatics Ministry's public information and communications director general Widodo Muktiyo aims to conclude the deliberation of the Personal Data Protection (PDP) Draft Law in the House of Representatives and to pass it into law by the end of 2020.

"Inshallah [if Allah wills], we will have a law on personal data protection by the end of year," said Widodo in a webinar under the theme "PDP Draft Law: A Personal Data Protection in Digital World" on Saturday, 12 September.

According to him, personal data becomes very important to be protected as it is a valuable asset that can be used for a variety of needs.

"Quoting the President, data is a new type of resources which is more valuable than oil. Therefore, sovereignty over data shall be established. The rights of citizens on personal data shall be protected and regulation shall be prepared," he highlighted.

Because of the importance of data, Widodo hopes that the public have a critical attitude towards any personal data abuse potentials.

"Let's start to protect our data which can be accessed in the digital world. We must think critically if there is a request for personal data. Do not easily giving our data without any clear purposes," said Widodo.

He added that upon the enactment of PDP Draft Law, the data ownership right will be protected and there will be sanctions for personal data abuse violators.

The House of Representatives' Commission I member Dave Akbarshah Fikarno said when the PDP Draft Law is passed into a law, it will bring benefits and legal certainty in the digital world. In the digital world, data will be safe and well protected.

"The data owner can file a suit to the perpetrator. Personal data are protected by the law and the presence of digital surveillance," he said.

He said after a PDP law takes effect, digital companies must store customer's data and not destruct or sell without consent.

Meanwhile, the Association of Indonesian Fintech (AFPI) chair Adrian Gunadi supports the ratification of the PDP Draft Law because it is very important to protect the consumer's personal data and trust on the fintech industry actors.

"A PDP law will support personal data protection efforts by the fintech industry by providing a legal umbrella," he said.

In addition, a PDP law will improve the sense of security for consumers in using the fintech services so that it can bring a positive impact on the development of the fintech industry.

(Author: Wawan Budiyanto, Editor: lsma, Translator: Filmon Warouw)