Vice President, Health Minister see stunting prevention activities


Oleh Penni Patmawati Rusman, Jumat, 1 November 2019 | 17:24 WIB - Redaktur: Penni Patmawati Rusman - 965

Jakarta, InfoPublik - Vice President Ma'ruf Amin paid a working visit to an Integrated Health Service Post (Posyandu) at Balai Guru Setra, Pecatu Village, Bali (31/10), accompanied by Health Minister Terawan Agus Putranto. They intended to see stunting prevention activities.

This Posyandu carries out comprehensive stunting prevention activities including for toddlers, teenagers, and expecting mothers. Vice President Ma'ruf said that the anticipation efforts of stunting must be conducted during pregnancy period, in addition to increasing awareness and knowledge since adolescence and premarital period.

"I observe that stunting prevention activities have been carried out systematically here. Those measures must be developed more," he said through a statement quoted by InfoPublik from Health Ministry website on Thursday (31/10).

Ma'ruf also joined a session when people received an explanation about the benefits of fruits and vegetables as well as information on growing vegetables hydroponically at home.

He also expressed his appreciation for stunting prevention activities in Bali which had reached 16 percent. As comparisons, the national level activities had reached 27 percent while international standard is at 20 percent.

Vice President hoped that stunting prevention activities can also be carried out throughout Indonesia. (Reporter: Putri, Translator: Erik Limantara)