InfoPublik - All IMF-WBG Meetings Proceed on Time

All IMF-WBG Meetings Proceed on Time


Oleh Irvina Falah, Minggu, 14 Oktober 2018 | 13:38 WIB - Redaktur: Irvina Falah - 416

Nusa Dua, InfoPublik - The International Monetary Fund and World Bank Group 2018 Annual Meetings in Bali have proceeded on time and no delay has occurred.

"So far we have not faced any extraordinary incidents that can interfere with the course of the main events, side events, parallel events, and host country events," National Committee Chief Executive Susiwijono Moegiharjo said in 2018 AM IMF-WBG Joint Editors’ Media Briefing Room, Sunday (14/10).

In fact, he said, the IMF and WBG expressed that the organization of these annual meetings had raised expectations and organization standards of the meetings in the future, especially those carried out in other countries besides in Washington DC, USA.

The success demonstrates the ability of the Government of Indonesia and excellent coordination of all parties in the international community, under the strong leadership of Indonesian President Joko Widodo. "Indonesia is capable to organize various major events simultaneously, in the midst of efforts to deal with damages due to natural disasters in various locations in Indonesia," he said.

Furthermore, Susiwijono, who is also Secretary of the Coordinating Economic Ministry, explained that the number of participants recorded through MTS registration, handled by IMF and WB, was 15,049 people. In the mean time, Indonesian National Committee recorded 21,620 people. Hence, the total number of registered delegates was 36,669 people. (Gusti Andry/Translator: Erik Limantara)